
Saturday, July 28, 2012

More Details

Here's my bed:

Power Inverter Shenanigans

Power Inverters are inefficient beasts.  Even when they aren't powering anything they are sucking precious battery amp hours from you.  To combat this, I took a readily available power inverter and took it apart.  I was able to build a remote switch and remote status button that I wired into the cabin of the trailer.  Now - when you want to use the 120 volt plugs in the trailer, you press a button in the cabin and wait for the yellow light.  Now you can plug in your crappy 120 volt electronic stuff.  When you are done, you press the button again and wait for the yellow light to go off.  This saves epic battery power.  Easy squeazy-lemon peazy.

The devil is in the details.....

Been awfully busy lately, so I haven't had much time to update this.  Here's a few pics of what I have been up to.....

Added Locking mechanisms to all of the cabinets, and built some support cords that take the weight of the open doors off of the hinges.  Classy.  Now I have a beer holders in the trailer.

 This is a 120 Volt outlet I cut into the side of the trailer that an extension cord fits into.  This powers a trickle charger, as well as a 120 volt junction box that I can use to power the trailer with when it's plugged in.

Still need to get the inverter installed.

Wicked epic spice control center.

My fair lady and my fair dinner.

Apocalyptic Rain and Such

Took the trailer out for its first far from home adventure this weekend.  It was an  adventure.

As you can see in the pics below, I decided  to vagabond my way to the Gila Cliff Dwellings in New Mexico to laze in the hot springs and gawk at Indian ruins and such.

Here are some shots of the trailer in the high country - check out that sweet diamond plate tool box I've secured to the front.

After a successful weekend of drinking beer and soaking in hot springs - I made my way home.

For those of you not in the know, it's monsoon season in the southwest.  For some reason or another, the monsoon Gods did not approve of the trailer, and tried to wreck it at every chance.

Chance #1:  Gail force winds and the hatch:  I found out the hard way, but if you expose the rear of the trailer to 70 mph winds, the hatch unlatches and tries to fly like an eagle off of the back of the rig.  I tried to get a picture of this but almost swerved into a van full of old ladies, so you'll have to take my word for it.  This happened three times before I para-corded the thing shut.

Chance #2:  Holy rain, Batman:  I received rain all weekend, but not enough to frighten me.  The hurricane hinge didn't drain water as well as I would have wanted, but it was definitely water tight.  Not until I got on the I-10 back home did I start to wonder what the heck was going on.  I've seen some pretty gnarly tropical storms in the Pacific, but this storm on the I-10 coming home was epic.  Semi trucks were pulling over because visibility was so bad.  Flash flooding across the desert.  (Not the arroyos!)  Like the honey badger, I kept my head down and made it home, and inspected my precious tear for the anticipated water damage.  There was only  small leak in the cabin from the window, and this was due to my own stupidity for not unblocking the bottom weep holes in the window.  Needless to say, these are unblocked, and my drop is now dry....  :)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Out of the garage and into the wild.

It's unbelievable, but I've managed to keep on building on my little trailer.  Here's a shot showcasing the fenders, porch lights, and black trim.

It's my escape pod.  Escape from what you may ask?  Whatever.  Ex-girlfriends, zombies, a life stuck in the Office space dimension, whatever.  You never know when you might need some escape which is why this particular pod will be equipped with everything I need to get away.  Solar panels, water tanks, rifles, beer, beer, beer, etc.

For some reason, I thought it necessary to show how I wired the taillights.  Yep, heat shrink and professionalism just like everywhere else in the trailer.

I just finished wiring up the trailer runnin lights, and got a hitch installed on the truck.  Couldn't resist taking it for a whirl around the block to make sure it didn't fall apart.  Pay no mind that there is no rear hatch installed, that will come later.

All lit up.

The trailer resists - Or how I managed to break my nose building the rear hatch

 Time for another trailer status update.  The   project is coming along pretty well.  The last bit that needs installed is the rear hatch.  To say the least - it's been a bitch.

I built the first rear hatch and was unsatisfied with its fit and flimsiness, so I tore it apart in a beer fueled rage on Friday evening.  I started the hatch you see to your left that same night.

This time, I decided not to screw around.  Side supports are 3/4" plywood.  The support spars are 2.5" wide instead of 1.5" like the previous piece of crap hatch.

Additionally, I found that the biggest problem with the last hatch was that it didn't support the skins well.  So this time, I placed 3" for the sole purpose of gluing the hatch skins to.

Awesome, huh?  Looks like I learned something.

The trailer Gods must have been unpleased with my latest attempt however......

 At right is a picture of my nose after the trailer gods decided to reward  me with a 1x3 launched out of the table saw at mach speed.

It fracking hurt.  I took this picture after I managed to stop the bleeding and get a good look at it.  There's some pretty good swelling right now, and I still have a headache, but I had plenty of beer in the fridge to soothe my suffering.

An inch higher and I would probably would have lost an eyeball.  Just sayin'.

 Like the Honey Badger, I didn't give a F*** about the nose and continued working through the evening.  I kept some paper napkins and a greasy old towel nearby to prevent me from ruining the finish of the trailer with my bleeding nose.  I finished the frame for the hatch and test fit it.

It was a beautiful site.

Once again - My Pandora station of choice is Ozzy Osbourne.  I think Pantera was raging about something when the table saw when all intercontinental ballistic missile on me.
Here's another shot of the rear hatch frame.  Judging by all of the pictures, I must be proud of it or something.

 Here's a shot of me skinning the hatch with some tempered board.  There is probably a full tube of adhesive holding that thing down.  While the glue sets, it is mostly kept in place with brads from the brad nailer.  The c-claps were used to help some areas that wanted to come up.

Beer can for scale.

Here's a shot of the hatch with lights and trim installed.  Ready for install.  Didn't get to put the aluminum on the front side since everyone was closed for the Memorial Day weekend.  You are looking at the interior side of the hatch, which sports a light maple hue for you folks keeping score at home.

Monday, May 7, 2012

And the doormouse said......

Here's the door cutout.  These things are solid, and are 1.25" thick.

The doors have proven to be the biggest pain in the neck so far on the trailer, and have to be cut just right to fit without looking like Van Gogh's interpretation of a trailer door.
 Here's the finished door, ready for installation.

Here's the inside of the trailer with the handle and window installed.  Starting to look downright homey in there.

Door prior to installation.

Door after installation with handle.

How are you? I'm FAN-tastic.

 Here's the hole I cut in the top of the trailer for the Fan-tastic fan that I bought.  This thing is totally sweet.

Blows air both ways, has three speeds, and was designed for a much larger RV.

This thing puts out a serious column of air.

Why did you cut a hole in the top of your trailer?

Oh, that's why.

 Close up of the fan.  This thing could probably lift the whole trailer off of the ground if I put it on setting 3.
More fan action.  Does this shot remind anybody of that scene in Willy Wonka where they drink the fizzy lifting drinks?

Get the Reynolds Wrap out, time to wrap it up

 Time to put the aluminum on the roof.  I glued some 1/8" wonderboard looking stuff that was supposed to be waterproof to the top.  The straps are holding it down while the glue dries.

Front of trailer with lid glued down and straps holding it down.  Notice the sweet dirt bike looming in front of the trailer.

First sheets of aluminum on the trailer.  Using tape to hold down the aluminum to he body before I got the trim ready.  Used an 1/8" Router bit to cut the aluminum to shape.  Word to the wise:  Wear a long sleeve shirt when you do this job.  If you don't you'll wind up looking like a small pox patient like I did because I wore a short sleeve shirt.
Trimming the inside of the door to keep the aluminum in place.

The trailer is covered in crap right now, but its pretty easy to clean up with some white vinegar and a little elbow grease.  The trim takes on a nice shine with very fine steel wool.

Here's a picture of the trailer covered in aluminum, and sporting some cabinets.

More fun in the galley

Time to figure out where to stick the pots and pans.  Decided to build a cabinet that would store a propane camping stove and my big pot, a pan, and some plates and other stuff neccesary to cook without using sticks and rocks.  The test fit is below.

Here's the frame going together.  Sometimes is sort of looks like I have an idea on what I am doing, I assure you this is not the case.

 Check out the mostly completed kitchen.  Looks like I have to find somewhere to glue that horny toad to.

Notice that the miniature cubby hole cabinet doors are installed, along with my stove holder and pot and pan holder.

Ultimate sweetstyle.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Galley Arises

Progress continues.  I've mostly completed the lower galley cabinets, as well as about 90% of the electrical work  that needed done.  All four accessory ports now have power for the electric blankets, computers, and cell phone chargers, and all of the lights have been tested for functionality.  Here are some pictures.

Here's the kitchen, with most of the cabinets installed.  I am contemplating adding an additional cabinet/beer holder that would mount onto the countertop and hold utensils and other cooking paraphernalia.

Here's another picture of the kitchen, in all of it's glory.  Those of you keeping score at home will notice the one odd cabinet handle.  This will be replaced as soon as I get back to Lowe's and return that one I received on mistake.

Here's a shot of the lower cabinets and the kickplate.

Here is the electrical compartment.  If you think it looks like a mess now, you should have seen it earlier.  This is currently controlling the following:  Four Accesory plugs, Main Cabin Lights, Galley Cabin Lighting, Stereo, porch lights, Fan-Tastic Fan, Galley Hatch Light.

Soon to be added:  Battery Tender on Board Charging System, Arduino to power alarm system, remote coffee maker, remote electric blanket, remote porch lights, 120 volt power inverter, and solar charger.  Trust me, there is enough room.

Cabins open.  I intend on using the empty cabinet as a pantry, and will eventually add a second battery to double the trailer's electrical capacity.

Last shot showing water jug.  This will eventually have a small hand pump attached to it to easily dispense water without making a mess.

Proof that I can charge a cell phone with the trailer!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Shenanigans in the Galley - It's Teardrop Time

This weekend I turned my focus to the galley, aka "The Kitchen" of the teardrop.  Some awesome things happened..

1.  Stereo is installed, and it has a remote control.  I can turn it up and down from the campfire without getting out of my lazy seat.  I'm still working on the remote that will bring me beers, but this is a future project.  It will run a flashdrive as an output as well.  I fully intend on loading up a flash drive drive full of Merle Haggard and George Jones and running it on a continuous loop.

2.  Installed a countertop.  Woo.

3.  Visited a Bed, Bath, and Beyond today.  I would never go to one of these stores to buy stuff for my house, but this is my caravan, and only the finest equipment will do.  I picked up a utensil holder and a papertowel rack.

Stereo Bar from the rear.  Swanky.

Here's a pic of me admiring the trailer.  Notice the rat's nest in the lower left corner.  That  will be organized soon.  Also cabinets will be installed below this to hide any sort of mess that I may have left behind.

This is the galley before I started working on it.  Notice the lack of stuff, and plethora of plywood.
This is just after I installed the first aluminum side skin.  These were a pain in the neck., but will be really easy to clean bacon grease and other assorted splatter off of.

Here is the whole galley after skinning.  

Test Fitting the Audio Bar.  It looks like it fits, although I am going to have to get a hacksaw and cut the lid off that annoying propane stove in the background.

Here is the galley after today's work.  Notice the fully installed audio bar belting out Ozzy Osborne's "War Pigs" at Max Volume in the garage.  The countertop is also lovely.  Tomorrow it will be time to install more cabinets.
