
Monday, April 9, 2012

The Galley Arises

Progress continues.  I've mostly completed the lower galley cabinets, as well as about 90% of the electrical work  that needed done.  All four accessory ports now have power for the electric blankets, computers, and cell phone chargers, and all of the lights have been tested for functionality.  Here are some pictures.

Here's the kitchen, with most of the cabinets installed.  I am contemplating adding an additional cabinet/beer holder that would mount onto the countertop and hold utensils and other cooking paraphernalia.

Here's another picture of the kitchen, in all of it's glory.  Those of you keeping score at home will notice the one odd cabinet handle.  This will be replaced as soon as I get back to Lowe's and return that one I received on mistake.

Here's a shot of the lower cabinets and the kickplate.

Here is the electrical compartment.  If you think it looks like a mess now, you should have seen it earlier.  This is currently controlling the following:  Four Accesory plugs, Main Cabin Lights, Galley Cabin Lighting, Stereo, porch lights, Fan-Tastic Fan, Galley Hatch Light.

Soon to be added:  Battery Tender on Board Charging System, Arduino to power alarm system, remote coffee maker, remote electric blanket, remote porch lights, 120 volt power inverter, and solar charger.  Trust me, there is enough room.

Cabins open.  I intend on using the empty cabinet as a pantry, and will eventually add a second battery to double the trailer's electrical capacity.

Last shot showing water jug.  This will eventually have a small hand pump attached to it to easily dispense water without making a mess.

Proof that I can charge a cell phone with the trailer!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Shenanigans in the Galley - It's Teardrop Time

This weekend I turned my focus to the galley, aka "The Kitchen" of the teardrop.  Some awesome things happened..

1.  Stereo is installed, and it has a remote control.  I can turn it up and down from the campfire without getting out of my lazy seat.  I'm still working on the remote that will bring me beers, but this is a future project.  It will run a flashdrive as an output as well.  I fully intend on loading up a flash drive drive full of Merle Haggard and George Jones and running it on a continuous loop.

2.  Installed a countertop.  Woo.

3.  Visited a Bed, Bath, and Beyond today.  I would never go to one of these stores to buy stuff for my house, but this is my caravan, and only the finest equipment will do.  I picked up a utensil holder and a papertowel rack.

Stereo Bar from the rear.  Swanky.

Here's a pic of me admiring the trailer.  Notice the rat's nest in the lower left corner.  That  will be organized soon.  Also cabinets will be installed below this to hide any sort of mess that I may have left behind.

This is the galley before I started working on it.  Notice the lack of stuff, and plethora of plywood.
This is just after I installed the first aluminum side skin.  These were a pain in the neck., but will be really easy to clean bacon grease and other assorted splatter off of.

Here is the whole galley after skinning.  

Test Fitting the Audio Bar.  It looks like it fits, although I am going to have to get a hacksaw and cut the lid off that annoying propane stove in the background.

Here is the galley after today's work.  Notice the fully installed audio bar belting out Ozzy Osborne's "War Pigs" at Max Volume in the garage.  The countertop is also lovely.  Tomorrow it will be time to install more cabinets.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Stuff coming up

Here's the current breakdown on what I've got left.

  • Trim out Cabin
  • Add lovely grapevine trim to front and back that I found today.
  • Skin Galley sides
  • Build Galley Cabinets
  • Build Galley Hatch
  • Build Doors and windows
  • Install fan
  • Start looking for a KOA to live at on a permanent basis.


Got some work done this weekend.  I went to Lowe's and Home Depot and was disappointed by the selection I saw.  They all looked like they were made of cardboard and other flimsy materials, which is fine for a house, but not my caravan.

So I decided to build some of my own.  It was an adventure.  Took two tries to get the face frame right, and I split a bunch of material till I figured out that I needed to pre-drill everything.  Here's some pics.:
Test fitting frame.  The frame is actually serving as a structural element of the trailer, and stiffened it significantly.

Here's a shot before I finished them and cut the doors out.

Completed face frame.  This turned out really, really nice.  Norm Abrams, if you're out there, I did this without your 6000 sq. ft shop and 1.5  million dollars worth of vises, saws, and jigs!
Picture of the installed cabinets.  Plenty of room in there.  The cabin will officially be finished once I get it trimmed in , and a few homey details.

Another pic of the cabinets installed.  I'm thinking about using one of those doors as a beer holder.

And I got it insulated today.  It's also got the sheet of aluminum covering the top of it, but I may need to take it off since it's not fitting quite like I would have expected.