This weekend I turned my focus to the galley, aka "The Kitchen" of the teardrop. Some awesome things happened..
1. Stereo is installed, and it has a remote control. I can turn it up and down from the campfire without getting out of my lazy seat. I'm still working on the remote that will bring me beers, but this is a future project. It will run a flashdrive as an output as well. I fully intend on loading up a flash drive drive full of Merle Haggard and George Jones and running it on a continuous loop.
2. Installed a countertop. Woo.
3. Visited a Bed, Bath, and Beyond today. I would never go to one of these stores to buy stuff for my house, but this is my caravan, and only the finest equipment will do. I picked up a utensil holder and a papertowel rack.
Stereo Bar from the rear. Swanky. |
Here's a pic of me admiring the trailer. Notice the rat's nest in the lower left corner. That will be organized soon. Also cabinets will be installed below this to hide any sort of mess that I may have left behind. |
This is the galley before I started working on it. Notice the lack of stuff, and plethora of plywood. |
This is just after I installed the first aluminum side skin. These were a pain in the neck., but will be really easy to clean bacon grease and other assorted splatter off of. |
Here is the whole galley after skinning. |
Test Fitting the Audio Bar. It looks like it fits, although I am going to have to get a hacksaw and cut the lid off that annoying propane stove in the background. |
Here is the galley after today's work. Notice the fully installed audio bar belting out Ozzy Osborne's "War Pigs" at Max Volume in the garage. The countertop is also lovely. Tomorrow it will be time to install more cabinets. |